Agnes Kyo McDonald
Not much is known or can be found about Agnes Kyo McDonald and not much can be found about her group, Love Holy Trinity Blessed Mission. Except that the Catholic Church has officially disavowed the group, the disgraced priest that helps run the church/bible study, and the group's leader, Agnes Kyo McDonald, who claimed to be in communication with God.
the group came to it's slow burn of an end after it purchased a property in Chicago and the community protested the sale of the property to their group.
Founded in 1992 as a Catholic Bible-study group in , LHTBM is headed by Agnes Kyo McDonald and suspended Chicago priest Len Kruzel. It offers religious literature in English and Polish and has spread into parts of Iowa and Wisconsin. But over the last seven years, as claims have surfaced that it operates in cultlike secrecy and cuts members off from their families, it has fallen from favor with the archdiocese of Chicago and been banned from meeting in its facilities.

Agnes Kyo McDonald (False Prophet)
2023, Embroidery, fabric, found fabric from Wassaic Project 2023, 11 x 14 inches
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