Erika Bertschinger-Eicke
Uriella was born in 1929 as Erika Hedwig Bertschinger-Eicke in Zurich in Switzerland and claimed from 1973 that she had spiritual powers. Clairvoyance was just as much a part of it as the alleged contact with God, Jesus Christ and numerous other religious persons or "Master". She herself was chosen by heaven as the "mouthpiece of God" on earth.
The teachings of "Fiat Lux" under Uriella and her husband Icordo (Eberhard Bertschinger-Eicke) were more than extensive. Reincarnation, (divine) revelations by Uriella, naturopathy, "miracle remedies" and "miracle healings" were just as much a part of it as the belief in UFOs, the end of the world or a coming paradise on earth.
Above all, Uriella also spreads the "teaching" that countless UFOs will appear at the coming end of the world. These spaceships would evacuate the "bediers" from our planet until the time of change was over. After that, there is a paradise here for all those who would have survived the end of the world. This new world would then be called "Amora".
Especially for the year 1998, Uriella and "Fiat Lux" spread these supposedly heavenly announcements. The fact that this end of the world did not arrive, according to the UFO sect later, is only thanks to a "deferral" of God. At least that's how Uriella and Icordo explained it to me in a letter at the time. [cited Lars A. Fischinger]

Erika Bertschinger-Eicke (False Prophet)
2023, Embroidery, fabric, thread, hot glue, rhinestones, gold glitter poster board, pearls from H. Reynolds, fake gilded frame, 18 x 12 inches
Would you believe?
The research
February 26, 2019
Die Weltwoche Nr. 09.19 13