Susan Alamo
Edith Opal Horn, a two-time divorcée who already had a daughter, moved to Hollywood to become an actress but ended up supporting herself partly by scamming churches into believing her to be a missionary in need of money. 1966, met and married Bernie Lazar Hoffman, changing their names to Susan and Tony Alamo. Both of Jewish descent they converted to Christianity, established a church and began a Hollywood street ministry.
Their version of Pentecostal theology included a virulent paranoia and extreme anti-Catholicism that placed the Vatican as the real power broker behind the White House, the United Nations, and the media. Alamo also claimed that UFOs are divine messengers from heaven and signs of the end times. Members usually lived in a commune and worked at an Alamo-owned business.
1982, Susan died of cancer. Tony believed she was an immortal prophet who would rise from the dead and ordered foundation members to pray for her resurrection, which they did for months in 'round-the-clock prayer vigils. She eventually was entombed. 1991, prior to a federal raid took Alamo stole Susan’s body from her mausoleum. In 1998, after a three-year legal battle, brought by Christhiaon Coie, Susan's daughter, her body was returned. (cited Encyclopedia of Arkansas)
Susan Alamo
(False Prophet)
2022, Embroidery, found fabric, pillowcase, fake fur, white fake gilded frame, 8 x 10 inches
Would you believe?
The research
Directors Fenton Baily, Randy Barbato
four part documentary series about the group
Alamo Ministries website
The First Amendment EncyclopediaÂ
By John R. Vile
March 1, 2008
Interview conducted Susy Buchanan
Tony Alamo (1934–2017)
AKA: Tony Alamo Christian Ministries
Encyclopedia of Arkansas
April 9, 2017
By Bill Bowden
Tony Alamo News
Verifible Facts & Opinions
UPDATE: Since this site was first opened in 2006 many of the reasons for its existence have been accomplished. Its main purpose was to help stop Bernie Lazar Hoffman, aka Tony Alamo, from raping, beating, and psychologically abusing the young children whose parents are members of his cult. That has been accomplished; Tony Alamo was convicted in July 2009 of 10 Federal Counts of taking underage girls across state lines for sex and he is now serving 175 years in a federal penitentiary.
We also want to dispense information which may help former members in their recovery. Last but not least, we hope to enlighten current members to the reality of the crimes they are supporting through their participation in this organization.