Julie Green
[From her website] Julie Green started preaching in 2010 and was an associate pastor at Faith Family Fellowship from 2013-2022, where her father is the Head Pastor. She has been married to her husband for over 20 years, and they have three sons. Julie’s father and mother became born again and were filled with the Holy Spirit while her mother was pregnant with Julie. Her father went to Rhema Bible College, where she was first introduced to the message of faith. She gave her life to Christ at the age of 5, was filled with the Holy Spirit, and started laying hands on the sick.[Cited from her website]
In church, Green preaches about the end times, including what she refers to as a new exodus. The updated version also appears to include a slaughter of non-believers. Green’s “prophesies” appear in videos and interviews she posts to social media. Over the past [several years], Green claims to have received the gift of divine prophecy, describing in an interview with a fellow prophet how she scribbles down messages from God in the middle of the night. She has leveraged this purported gift of the Holy Spirit to launch Julie Green Ministries International, and she records videos of the messages she’s getting from God...Before YouTube pulled the plug on her account in May 2022, she’d accumulated a following of nearly 360,000. (A YouTube account formerly affiliated with Green was “terminated for a violation of YouTube’s terms of service.”) She now posts on right-wing platforms like Rumble, Odysee, and Donald Trump’s Truth Social. [From Rolling Stones]
Julie Green (False Prophet)
Embroidery, thread, fabric, pillowcase, metal chain links, fake brown gilded frame, 10 x 13 inches
Would you believe?
The research
By Jon Jackson
Sep 12, 2023 at 9:44 AM EDT
Rolling Stones
By Tim Dickinson
September 14, 2022